Clarity Go2Mobile app privacy policy

How do we use/process your data?

Personal data will be processed in accordance with applicable EU law and regulations regarding data privacy.
Personal data will be processed, stored and disclosed only for the business purposes as described below.
We may use your data for the following purposes:
This app may include links to third-party websites, and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy statements.

We want you to understand the type of information we collect as you use our app

Email address

We need your email address in order to uniquely identify you and to find any trips that you have booked through Clarity Business Travel. We can then show these trips in your app.
We will use your email address to send you correspondence relevant to your trip or for administrative purposes.
Your email address will not be provided to anyone else.


We ask for your name so that we can address you correctly in any correspondence.

Numerical id

When you register for the app we assign you a numerical id, which we use in addition to your email address in order to identify you and your trips.

Mobile phone number (optional)

If you choose to do so you can give us your mobile phone number. We may use this to send you text messages about the status of your flight.

Location (optional)

If you give us permission in the app we can detect your location. We do this in order to provide you with directions and other localized information.
We do not store or pass on this information unless you use the optional 'Report location' feature in the app, in which case your location will be available to agents at Clarity so that they can help you (e.g. in an emergency).

Contacts (optional)

When sharing a trip or an itinerary we ask for access to your contacts (you can say no). We do this to save you typing.
Only the name and email address of the contact you select is sent to our servers. We do not share your contacts with anyone.


In order to keep the app running smoothly we log information about which screens are viewed and any crashes or errors. This information is anonymous and we do not use it to monitor any individual's use of the app.


We take extensive measures to insure that your information is kept safe:

Your responsibility